邮箱: xjuanlei@swu.edu.cn
l 教育及工作经历:
2021.1-至今, 西南大学食品科学学院 包装工程系,讲师
l 承担课程:《包装测试技术》、《包装测试技术课程设计》、《包装材料学》实验课程、《包装体验》、《专业认知实习》。
l 主要研究方向:从事纤维素、甲壳素基食品胶体、功能膜、功能涂层的构建,以及构效关系的研究,实现其在果蔬营养素的精准递送、果蔬保鲜包装以及自清洁、抗菌涂层方面的应用,为实现废弃生物质资源的高值化利用提供新思路。
l 基本情况:近5年在Chemistry of Materials, ACS Nano, Advanced Science, Small, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules等杂志共计发表学术期刊论文10余篇,申请发明专利一项,主持省部级项目一项,中央高校基本科研业务费项目一项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目等。曾获“唐敖庆化学奖学金”等荣誉。
l 承担科研项目:
[1] 重庆市自然科学基金(面上项目),2022.8.1-2024.7.31
[2] 中央高校基本业务费项目: 高性能壳聚糖材料的构建,2021.4.12-2022.10.31
l 代表性论著:
[1] Sili Liu, Zhenan Rao, Hong Chen, Kai Zhang, Xiaojuan Lei*, Jichun Zhao, Kaifang Zeng, Jian Ming*. Development of antifogging double-layer film using cellulose nanofibers and carboxymethyl chitosan for white Hypsizygus marmoreus preservation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 256, 128307. (IF2023=8.2)
[2] Kai Zhang*, Caiqing Mo, Xuelian Tang, Xiaojuan Lei*. Hierarchically Porous Cellulose-Based Radiative Cooler for Zero-Energy Food Preservation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11, 7745. (IF2023=8.4)
[3] Caiqing Mo#, Xiaojuan Lei#,*, Xuelian Tang, Ming Wang, En-Tang Kang, Liqun Xu*, Kai Zhang*. Nanoengineering Natural Leather for Dynamic Thermal Management and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. Small, 2023, 19, 2303368.(IF2023=13.3)
[4] Kai Zhang#,*, Xiaojuan Lei#, Caiqing Mo, Jin Huang, Ming Wang, En-Tang Kang, Liqun Xu*. A Zero-Energy, Zero-Emission Air Conditioning Fabric, Advanced Science, 2023, 10, 2206925. (IF2023=15.1)
[5] Zhenan Rao#, Xiaojuan Lei#, Yuanyuan Chen, Jiang Ling, Jichun Zhao , Jian Ming*. Facile fabrication of robust bilayer film loaded with chitosan active microspheres for potential multifunctional food packing. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 231, 123362. (IF2023=8.2)
[6] Xiaojuan Lei, Dongdong Ye, Jie Chen, Shan Tang, Pingchuan Sun, Lingyun Chen, Ang Lu*, Yumin Du*, Lina Zhang*. Customizable Multidimensional Self-Wrinkling Structure Constructed via Modulus Gradient in Chitosan Hydrogels. Chemistry of Materials, 2019, 31, 24, 10032-10039. (IF2023=8.6)
[7] Dongdong Ye#, Xiaojuan Lei#, Tian Li, Qiaoyun Cheng, Chunyu Chang, Liangbing Hu*, Lina Zhang*. Ultrahigh Tough, Super Clear, and Highly Anisotropic Nanofiber-Structured Regenerated Cellulose Films. ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 4843-4853. (IF2023=17.1)
[8] Xiaojuan Lei, Xuehai Dai, Sihui Long, Ning Cai, Zhaocheng Ma, Xiaogang Luo*, Facile Design of Green Engineered Cellulose/Metal Hybrid Macrogels for Efficient Trace Phosphate Removal, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56, 7525-7533.(IF2023=4.2)
[9] Xiaogang Luo*, Xiaojuan Lei, Ning Cai, Xiuping Xie, Yanan Xue, Faquan Yu*, Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Water by Magnetic Cellulose-Based Beads with Embedded Chemically Modified Magnetite Nanoparticles and Activated Carbon. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4, 7, 3960-3969. (IF2023=8.4)
[10] Xiaogang Luo*, Xiaojuan Lei, Xiuping Xie, Bo Yu, Ning Cai, Faquan Yu, Adsorptive removal of Lead from water by the effective and reusable magnetic cellulose nanocomposite beads entrapping activated bentonite, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016, 151, 640-648. (IF2023=11.2)
[11] Xiaojuan Lei, Yumin Du*, Controllable 3D hollow double wrinkled chitosan/polyaniline hydrogels for highly sensitive pressure sensors, 257th ACS National Meeting. 美国化学会口头报告.