姚世响 博士
教授 博士研究生导师 部级人才计划青年人才
2023-至今 西南大学食品科学学院 教授
2015-2023 西南大学食品科学学院 讲师、副教授
2010-2015 清华大学生命科学学院 生物学 博士
2003-2010 新疆大学生命科学学院 生物技术 本科/硕士
1. 基础研究:生鲜果蔬衰老机理;生鲜果蔬采后供应链品质调控机制。
2. 应用研究:植物源农林产品物流与加工的核心技术及装备。
2.学术期刊:Journal of Integrative Agriculture、Agriculture Communications、保鲜与加工、中国南方果树等期刊青年编委;Agriculture编委
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:2020-2023;2022-2025.
2. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目:2022-2024.
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:2017-2019.
4. 重庆市技术创新与应用发展专项项目:2019-2021.
Meizhu Huang, Chunlian Huang, Jiao Hou, Kaifang Zeng, Shixiang Yao*. Disorder of cell wall metabolism during the transition of citrus juice sacs from healthy to pre-granulation and granulation stages: Evidence from Shiranui mandarin. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2025, 222, 113383.
Jinrui Bai, Xi Lei, Jinlan Liu, Yi Huang, Lumei Bi, Yuehua Wang, Jindong Li, Haiyang Yu, Shixiang Yao, Li Chen, Bart J Janssen, Kimberley C Snowden*, Meng Zhang*, Ruifeng Yao*. The strigolactone receptor DWARF14 regulates flowering time in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 2024, 36:4752-4767.
Dandan Yan#, Yaci Liu#, Jiao Hou, Meizhu Huang, Wei Wang, Huimin Xu, Kaifang Zeng, Shixiang Yao*. Metabolic remodeling underlying citrus segment drying: Insights from lignin non-accumulating granulation in Harumi tangor vesicles. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2024, 211, 112839.
Yaci Liu#, Dandan Yan#, Jiao Hou, Haoyue Zhang, Wei Wang, Min Hong, Mingyang, He, Xiangzheng, Yang, Kaifang Zeng, Shixiang Yao*. Hypothesis of cell wall metabolism disorder in segment drying: Evidence from vesicle collapse in ‘Dayagan’ hybrid citrus fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2023, 204, 112431.
Jiao Hou, Dandan Yan, Yaci Liu, Wei Wang, Min Hong, Mingyang He, Xiangzheng Yang, Kaifang Zeng, Shixiang Yao*. Global changes in metabolic pathways in endocarp of ‘Dayagan’ hybrid citrus fruit during segment drying revealed by widely targeted metabolomics and transcriptomics analysis. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2023, 198, 112255.
Jiajie Wang, Jiao Hou, Chunlian Huang, Wei Wang, Yaci Liu, Haoyue Zhang, Dandan Yan, Kaifang Zeng, Shixiang Yao*. Activation of the phenylpropanoid pathway in Citrus sinensis collapsed vesicles during segment drying revealed by physicochemical and targeted metabolomics analysis. Food Chemistry, 2023, 409, 135297.
Chunlian Huang, Jiao Hou, Meizhu Huang, Mei Hu, Lili Deng, Kaifang Zeng, Shixiang Yao*. A comprehensive review of segment drying (vesicle granulation and collapse) in citrus fruit: Current state and future directions. Scientia Horticulturae, 2023, 309, 111683.
王佳捷, 孙颖, 刘雅慈, 黄春莲, 吴焰, 郭宏鑫, 陈存坤, 曾凯芳, 姚世响*. 压差预冷对西兰花贮藏品质的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2023, 49(23), 227-235.
张皓月, 侯娇, 杨相政, 李健, 曾凯芳, 姚世响*. 基于广泛靶向代谢组学的血橙枯水时柠檬酸降解途径研究[J]. 食品科学技术学报,2023, 41(06), 75-87.
Wei Wang, Haoyue Zhang, Kaifang Zeng, Shixiang Yao*. New insights into vesicle granulation in Citrus grandis revealed by systematic analysis of sugar- and acid-related genes and metabolites. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2022, 194: 1112063.
Jiao Hou, Dandan Yan, Meizhu Huang, Kaifang Zeng, Shixiang Yao*. Alteration of pectin metabolism in blood orange fruit (Citrus sinensis cv. Tarocco) in response to vesicle collapse. Food Quality and Safety, 2022, 6, fyac050.
Qiuyu Li, Shixiang Yao*, Lili Deng, Kaifang Zeng*. Changes in biochemical properties and pectin nanostructures of juice sacs during the granulation process of pomelo fruit (Citrus grandis). Food Chemistry, 2022, 376:1-10.
侯娇、严丹丹、黄美珠、曾凯芳、姚世响*. 果胶甲酯化修饰与果实质地变化研究进展[J]. 中国食品学报,2022,22(3): 1-8.
Shixiang Yao#, Zhengming Wang#, Qi Cao,Jiao Xie, Xiaorong Wang, Rui Zhang, Lili Deng, Jian Ming, Kaifang Zeng*. Molecular basis of postharvest granulation in orange fruit revealed by metabolite, transcriptome and methylome profiling. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2020, 166: 111205.
姚世响,李秋雨,曹琦,曾凯芳*.柑橘枯水研究进展[J].食品与发酵工业,2020,46(18): 259-263.
李秋雨,曾凯芳,姚世响*.活性氧在果实成熟和衰老中的作用及调控机制[J].食品与发酵工业,2020,46(17): 271-276.
冯桂蓉,王小容,谢姣,邓丽莉,明建,曾凯芳,姚世响*。塔罗科血橙采后花色苷合成规律、挥发性物质组分及含量变化分析[J]. 食品与发酵工业,2019,45(17):234-239.
Shixiang Yao, Qi Cao, Jiao Xie, Lili Deng, Kaifang Zeng*. Alteration of sugar and organic acid metabolism in postharvest granulation of Ponkan fruit revealed by transcriptome profiling. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2018, 139: 2-11.
Shixiang Yao and Chibuike C Udenigwe*. Peptidomics of potato protein hydrolysates: implications of post-translational modifications in food peptide structure and behavior. Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5, 172425.
Ruth Boachie, Shixiang Yao, Chibuike C Udenigwe*. Molecular mechanisms of cholesterol-lowering peptides derived from food proteins. Current Opinion in Food Science, 2018, 20: 58-63.
Shixiang Yao, Dominic Agyei, Chibuike C. Udenigwe*. Structural basis of bioactivity of food peptides in promoting metabolic health. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research vol. 84, Elesvier Press, 2018, 145-181.
梁芳菲, 王小容, 邓丽莉, 曾凯芳, 姚世响*. 采后柑橘果实糖酸代谢研究进展[J]. 食品与发酵工业,2018, 44(10): 268-274.
姚世响, 曹琦, 谢姣, 邓丽莉, 曾凯芳*. 椪柑浮皮时挥发性成分变化及萜烯类物质合成基因表达特征[J]. 食品科学, 2018, 39(10):131-137.
姚世响, 曹琦, 谢姣, 邓丽莉, 曾凯芳*. 椪柑果肉挥发性物质及枯水时其萜烯类合成途径基因表达特征研究[J]. 食品与机械, 2018, 34(1): 23-27.
Shixiang Yao, Lili Deng, Kaifang Zeng*. Genome-wide in silico identification of membrane-bound transcription factors in plant species. PeerJ, 2017, 5: e4051.
姚世响, 谢姣,曾凯芳*. 温州蜜柑和椪柑橘络主要矿质元素含量的比较分析[J]. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2017, 37(4): 1250-1253.
冯桂蓉, 谢姣, 邓丽莉, 曾凯芳, 姚世响*. 柑橘果实萜烯类挥发性物质研究进展[J]. 食品与机械, 2017,33 (10):200-204.
Shixiang Yao, Yu Zhang, Yuling Chen, Haiteng Deng, Jinyuan Liu*. SILARS: An effective stable isotope labeling with ammonium nitrate-15N in rice seedlings for quantitative proteomic analysis. Molecular Plant, 2014, 7(11): 1697-1700.(植物学顶刊,Cell系列期刊)
Shixiang Yao, Haiyan Lan*, Fuchun Zhang. Variation of seed heteromorphism in Chenopodium albumand the effect of salinity on the descendants. Annals of Botany, 2010, 105(6): 1015-1025. (Cover story).
1. 实验室信念:自强不息,厚德载物。实验室氛围:向上、公平、开心。
2. 实验室宗旨:以为同学创造良好的成长体验为使命。科学研究与个人成长相互成就。
3. 在读研究生:2022级(黄美珠、胡梅、林巾凌)、2023级(黄春莲、陆维艳、杨秋琳)、2024级(贺智斌、张云杰、刘韶涵、贾欣阳)。招收专业:食品科学与工程、生物与医药、食品加工与安全。
4. 毕业研究生:曹琦(国家发改委)、李秋雨(四川五粮液)、侯娇(湖北烟草)、王佳捷(京东北京)。
欢迎对未来有期望,踏实认真,勤奋刻苦的同学加入实验室。邮箱:ysx2015(at)swu(dot)edu(dot)cn (将at替换为@,dot替换为.)。