皮潇文,博士,副教授;主持/参加了黑龙江省自然科学基金项目(联合引导)、大豆生物学教育部重点实验室开放课题、西南大学新进博士(含引进人才计划)科研启动项目、江西省研究生创新专项基金等项目。以独立第一作者在Trends in Food Science & Technology(IF: 15.3)、Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition(IF: 10.2)、Food Hydrocolloids(IF: 10.7)、Food Chemistry (IF: 8.8)等期刊发表论文20余篇,其中中科院1区TOP 18篇,累计IF达160,其中,IF>8论文15篇,IF>10论文7篇,ESI高被引2篇。作为Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition、International Journal of Biological Macromolecule、Journal of Functional Foods等期刊审稿人。
2020.09-2023.06 东北农业大学 食品学院 畜产品加工工程 博 士
2016.09-2019.06 南 昌 大 学 食品学院 生物工程 硕 士
2012.09-2016.06 武汉轻工大学 食品学院 食品质量与安全 本 科
2023.09-至今 西南大学食品科学学院 副教授
2019.08-2020.07 佛山市海天调味食品股份有限公司 研发员
1. Xiaowen Pi, Yin Wan∗, Yili Yang, Ruyi Li, Xiaojiang Wu, Mingyong Xie, Xin Li, Guiming Fu∗. (2019). Research progress in peanut allergens and their allergenicity reduction. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 93, 212-220.(中科院一区TOP,IF2019 11.077)
2. Xiaowen Pi, Yuxue Sun**, Guiming Fu, Zhihua Wu, Jianjun Cheng* (2021). Effect of processing on soybean allergens and their allergenicity. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 118, 316-327.(中科院一区TOP,IF2021 16.002)
3. Xiaowen Pi, Guiming Fu, Biao Dong, Yili Yang, Yin Wan*, Mingyong Xie. (2021). Effects of fermentation with Bacillus natto on the allergenicity of peanut. LWT, 141, 110862.(中科院一区TOP,IF2021 6.056)
4. Xiaowen Pi, Guiming Fu, Yili Yang, Yin Wan*, Mingyong Xie. (2022). Changes in IgE binding capacity, structure, physicochemical properties of peanuts through fermentation with Bacillus natto and Lactobacillus plantarum along with autoclave pretreatment. Food Chemistry, 392, 133208.(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 8.8)
5. Xiaowen Pi, Yuxue Sun, Xin Guo, Qingshan Chen, Jianjun Cheng*, Mingruo Guo**. (2022). Effects of thermal sterilization on the allergenicity of soybeans. LWT, 154, 112678.(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 6.0)
6. Xiaowen Pi, Yuxue Sun, Xiaomin Deng, Dawei Xin, Jianjun Cheng*, Mingruo Guo**. (2022). Investigation of differences in allergenicity of protein from different soybean cultivars through LC/MS-MS. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 220, 1221-1230.(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 8.2)
7. Xiaowen Pi, Yili Yang, Yuxue Sun*, Qiang Cui, Yin Wan, Guiming Fu, Hongbing, Chen & Jianjun Cheng**. (2022). Recent advances in alleviating food allergenicity through fermentation. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 62 (26), 7255-7268.(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 10.2)
8. Xiaowen Pi, Yili Yang, Yuxue Sun*, Xibo Wang, Yin Wan, Guiming Fu, Xin Li & Jianjun Cheng**. (2022). Food irradiation: a promising technology to produce hypoallergenic food with high quality. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 62 (24), 6698-6713.(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 10.2)
9. Xiaowen Pi, Yuxue Sun, Jianjun Cheng*, Guiming Fu & Mingruo Guo** (2023). A review on polyphenols and their potential application to reduce food allergenicity. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 63(29): 10014-10031.(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 10.2)
10. Xiaowen Pi, Yuxue Sun, Jiafei Liu, Xu Wang, Weichen Hong, Jianjun Cheng*, Mingruo Guo**. (2023). Characterization of the improved functionality in soybean protein-proanthocyanidins conjugates prepared by the alkali treatment, Food Hydrocolloids, 134, 108107.(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 10.7,ESI高被引)
11. Xiaowen Pi, Jiafei Liu, Yuxue Sun, Qingfeng Ban, Jianjun Cheng*, Mingruo Guo**. (2023). Protein modification, IgE binding capacity, and functional properties of soybean protein upon conjugation with polyphenols. Food Chemistry, 405 (part A), 134820.(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 8.8)
12. Xiaowen Pi, Jiafei Liu, Yuxue Sun, Qingfeng Ban, Jianjun Cheng*, Mingruo Guo** (2023). Heat-induced changes in epitopes and IgE binding capacity of soybean protein isolate. Food Chemistry, 405 (part A), 134830(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 8.8)
13. Xiaowen Pi, Jiafei Liu, Yuxue Sun, Qingfeng Ban, Shuxia Liang, Jianjun Cheng*, Mingruo Guo** (2023). Effect of proanthocyanidins on protein composition, conformational structure, IgE binding capacities and functional properties in soybean protein. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 224, 881-892(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 8.2, ESI高被引)
14. Xiaowen Pi, Yuxue Sun, Jiafei Liu, Shuxia Liang, Zeyu Peng, Jianjun Cheng*, Yunqing Jiang **(2023). Multi-spectral and proteomic insights into the impact of proanthocyanidins on IgE binding capacity and functionality in soy 11S protein during alkali-heating treatment. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 226, 597-607(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 8.2)
15. Xiaowen Pi, Yuxue Sun, Jiafei Liu, Zeyu Peng, Shuxia Liang, Jianjun Cheng*, Yunqing Jiang* (2023). The alteration of composition, conformation, IgE-reactivity and functional attributes in proanthocyanidins-soy protein 7S conjugates formed by alkali-heating treatment: multi-spectroscopic and proteomic analyses. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 234, 123672(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 8.2)
16. Xiaowen Pi, Jiafei Liu, Zeyu Peng, Shuxia Liang, Jianjun Cheng*, Yuxue Sun* (2023). Comparison on the effect of proanthocyanidins A2 and B2 on IgE binding capacity and epitopes in Gly m 6 using multispectral, LC/MS-MS and molecular docking. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 249, 126026(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 8.2)
17. Xiaowen Pi, Jiafei Liu, Yuxue Sun, Xiaomeng Sun, Zhigang Sun, Jianjun Cheng*, Mingruo Guo** (2023). Investigation of the differences in the effect of (−)-epigallocatechin gallate and proanthocyanidins on the functionality and allergenicity of soybean protein isolate. Food Chemistry-X, 17, 100566(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 6.1)
18. Xiaowen Pi, Zeyu Peng, Jiafei Liu, Yunqing Jiang, Jiarong Wang, Guiming Fu, Yili Yang & Yuxue Sun* (2024). Sesame allergy: mechanisms, prevalence, allergens, residue detection, effects of processing and cross-reactivity. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 64(10): 2847-2862.(中科院一区TOP,IF2022 10.2)