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Kaifang Zeng


2011 Associate dean at College of Food Science, Southwest University

2011 Professor, Doctor and Master Supervisor in Food storage at Southwest University

2009-2010 Visiting scholar at Department of Food Science, Cornell University, USA

2005-2011 Associate Professor, Master Supervisor in Food storage at Southwest University

2005 Lecture at College of Food Science, Southwest University

2002-2005 PhD in Food Science at College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University

2001Visiting scholar at Fruit and Vegetable Research Institute, Israel Volcani Research Center

2000-2005 Lecture at College of Food Science, Southwest Agricultural University

1995-1998 MSc in Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products at College of Food Science, Southwest Agricultural University.



Executive Director of Postharvest Science and Technology Branch of China Horticultural Society

Standing member of Chinese Plant Pathology Society Postpartum Pathology Committee

Member of the editorial board of Packaging Engineering

Senior member of Chinese Society of Food Science and Technology

Director of Agricultural Processing and Storage Branch of China Agricultural Society

Member of the Beibei District Political Consultative Committee, Jiusan Society Primary Committee





Professor KaiFang Zeng’s research focuses on (1) Control of postharvest pathological diseases and physiological disorder of fruits. (2) Senescence mechanism of fruits and vegetables. (3) Storage technology of agricultural products.



Professor KaiFang Zeng is willing to accept both master and doctor candidates in the following research fields: 1) Food Science; 2) Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products



[1] Xie J, Deng L L, Zhou Y H, Yao S X, Zeng K F*. 2018. Analysis of changes in volatile constituents and expression of genes involved in terpenoid metabolism in oleocellosis peel. Food Chemistry. 243, 269-276.

[2] Wang W J, Deng L L, Yao S X, Zeng K F*. 2018. Control of green and blue mold and sour rot in citrus fruits by the cationic antimicrobial peptide PAF56. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 136, 132-138.

[3] Yao S X, Deng L L, Zeng K F*. 2017. Genome-wide in silico identification of membrane-bound transcription factors in plant species. Peer J, 5, e4051.

[4] Zhou Y H, Xu J N, Xie J, Yao S X, Deng L L, Zeng K F*. 2017. Involvement of membrane degradation in response to oleocellosis induced by exogenous orange oil in citrus fruit. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 39(8), 163.

[5] Zhang J, Xie J, Zhou Y H, Deng L L, Yao S X, Zeng K F*. 2017. Inhibitory effect of Pichia membranaefaciens and Kloeckera apiculata against Monilinia fructicola and their biocontrol ability of brown rot in postharvest plum. Biological Control, 114, 51-58.

[6] Yuan Z Y, Deng L L, Yin B F, Yao S X, Zeng K F*. 2017. Effects of blue LED light irradiation on pigment metabolism of ethephon-degreened mandarin fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 134, 45-54.

[7] Deng L L, Yuan Z Y, Xie J, Yao S X, Zeng K F*. 2017. Sensitivity to ethephon degreening treatment is altered by blue led light irradiation in mandarin fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65 (30), 6158-6168.

[8] Liu Y, Wang W H, Zhou Y H, Yao S X, Deng L L, Zeng K F*. 2017. Isolation, identification and in vitro screening of Chongqing orangery yeasts for the biocontrol of Penicillium digitatum on citrus fruit. Biological Control, 110, 18-24.

[9] 姚世响, 谢姣, 曾凯芳*. 2017. 温州蜜柑和椪柑橘络主要矿质元素含量的比较分析. 光谱学与光谱分析, 37(4), 1250-1253.

[10] Deng L L, Yin B F, Yao S X, Wang W H, Zeng K F*. 2016. Post-harvest application of oligochitosan and chitosan reduces calyx alterations of citrus fruit induced by ethephon degreening treatment. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64, 7394-7403.

[11] Niu X Y, Deng L, Zhou Y H, Wang W H, Yao S H, Zeng K F*. 2016. Optimization of a protective medium for freeze‐dried Pichia membranifaciens and application of this biocontrol agent on citrus Fruit. Journal of applied microbiology, 121, 234-243.

[12] Zhou Y H, Zhang L, Zeng K F*. 2016. Efficacy of Pichia membranaefaciens combined with chitosan against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in citrus fruits and possible modes of action. Biological Control, 96, 39-47.

[13] Zhou Y H, Li S M, Zeng K F*. 2016. Exogenous nitric oxide‐induced postharvest disease resistance in citrus fruit to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96(2), 505-512.

[14] Deng L L, Zhou Y H, Zeng K F*. 2015. Pre-harvest spray of oligochitosan induced the resistance of harvested navel oranges to anthracnose during ambient temperature storage. Crop Protection, 70, 70-76.

[15] Deng L L, Zeng K F*, Zhou Y H, Huang Y. 2015. Effects of postharvest oligochitosan treatment on anthracnose disease in citrus (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) fruit. European Food Research and Technology, 240, 795-804.

[16] Zhou Y H, Deng L L, Zeng K F*. 2014. Enhancement of biocontrol efficacy of Pichia membranaefaciens by hot water treatment in postharvest diseases of citrus fruit. Crop Protection, 63, 89-96.

[17] Zhou Y H, Ming J, Deng L L, Zeng K F*. 2014. Effect of Pichia membranaefaciens in combination with salicylic acid on postharvest blue and green mold decay in citrus fruits. Biological Control, 74, 21-29.

[18] Luo Y, Zhou Y H, Zeng K F*. 2013. Effect of Pichia membranaefaciens on ROS metabolism and postharvest disease control in citrus fruit. Crop Protection, 53, 96-102.

[19] Luo Y, Zeng K F*, Ming J. 2012. Control of blue and green mold decay of citrus fruit by Pichia membranefaciens and induction of defense responses. Scientia Horticulturae, 135, 120-127.

[20] Zeng K F*, Deng Y Y, Ming J, Deng L L. 2010. Induction of disease resistance and ROS metabolism in navel oranges by chitosan. Scientia Horticulturae, 126, 223-228.

[21] Zeng K F, Cao J K, Jiang W B*. 2006. Enhancing disease resistance in harvested mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. ‘Matisu’) fruit by salicylic acid. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 86, 694-698

[22] Cao J K, Zeng K F, Jiang W B*. 2006. Enhancement of postharvest disease resistance in Ya Li pear (Pyrus bretschneideri) fruit by salicylic acid sprays on the trees during fruit growth. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 114, 363-370

[23] 张婕, 凡先芳, 姚世响, 邓丽莉, 曾凯芳*. 2017. 李果实褐腐病病原菌产生细胞壁降解酶条件优化及其致病机理. 食品科学, 38(20), 12-19

[24] 赵一洁, 唐毅, 王威浩, 姚世响, 邓丽莉, 曾凯芳*. 2017. 蜜橘酸腐病病原菌的分离鉴定以及不同抑菌剂处理对其控制效果. 食品科学, 38(7), 230-237

[25] 凡先芳, 张婕, 姚世响, 邓丽莉, 王威浩, 曾凯芳*. 2016. 1-MCP和戊唑醇处理对青脆李果实贮藏期病害、硬度、色泽的影响. 食品科学, 37(24), 292-298

[26] 许佳妮, 邓丽莉, 姚世响, 王威浩, 曾凯芳*. 2016. 低成熟度柑橘果实油胞病发病进程中膜脂代谢研究. 食品科学, 37(24), 262-270

[27] 田维娜, 邓丽莉, 曾凯芳*. 2015. 轻微热处理对最小加工荸荠感官品质的影响. 中国食品学报, 15(12), 166-172.

[28] 赵一洁, 王建军, 邓丽莉, 曾凯芳*. 2015. 己醛熏蒸对脐橙果实侵染性病害和生理性病害的影响. 食品科学, 36(24), 41-47.

[29] 张婕, 屈立武, 邓丽莉, 曾凯芳*. 2015. 壳聚糖与纳米SiOx处理对脐橙果实采后病害的控制效果. 食品科学, 36(18), 213-219.

[30] 曹琦, 王建军, 邓丽莉, 曾凯芳*. 2015. 己醛处理对脐橙果实贮藏品质的影响. 食品科学,  36(20), 252-257.



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